1. Pastor Sheek Teaches On Luke 2:8-14 and Zephaniah 3:14-20
  2. Mary is blessed, because Mary knows the way God works and because she knows His promises, and she knows that in her womb grows her savior.
  3. Small Is Beautiful! In this episode, we continue our reading and discussion of Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher. This week, small faith communities are the basis for a strong Church and the opposition to oppressive regimes. And after the show, the pre-show as bonus material.
  4. We are excited to have one of Gretchen's pastors, Rev. Dale Hexum, on this episode to talk more about sermons. We ask him about the preaching philosophy he works within, and what to look for in a sermon.
  5. Go Big or Go & Go Home. In this episode, we continue to read Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher, and discuss the importance of nurturing a dissident faith and family in the midst of a godless, unrepentantly evil society.
  6. We kept Rev. Tim Koch on for one more episode, as we expand the conversation from "what makes a sermon" from last week, to some of the struggles with both pastors and parishioners.