1. Ask, seek and knock and God will take care of it. What exactly are we being promised here?
  2. It's all about judging in this episode! Judge not lest you be judged, specks and planks in the eye and casting pearls to the swine.
  3. It's time to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. But don't worry, there is nothing to be anxious about.
  4. Forgive to be forgiven? Public fasting? What are those things about?
  5. Daniel Emery Price and Erick Sorensen finish up the Lord's Prayer. They talk a lot about repentance, forgiveness, temptation, bitterness, and bread meaning more than bread.
  6. Daniel and Erick start the Lord's Prayer in this episode! They only get through the first two verses but have a lot to say about the words "our Father", the holiness of God, the kingdom of God, the will of God and prayer in general.
  7. Daniel and Erick have finally made it out of Matthew 5 but they're still in the sermon on the mount and Jesus is talking about "practicing your righteousness before men".
  8. Daniel and Erick finish up Matthew 5 in this episode. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, love your enemies, give to those who ask... they talk about all of it and how it throws us on Christ.
  9. Lust, adultery, divorce, oaths, Daniel and Erick talk about it all as they continue to look at Jesus' sermon on the mount.
  10. Daniel and Erick spend this episode discussing the Law of God, what Jesus says about it and what His relationship to it is. Jesus is cranking the Law up but it's all to drive us to Himself.
  11. Drs. Keith and Rosenbladt are back on the show to talk about repentance.
  12. Daniel and Erick spend this episode talking about what it means to be "persecuted for righteousness" and how Christians are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.