1. Chad and Daniel continue discussing the “Ten Commandments”. What does it mean to take the Lord’s name in vain? What does it mean to “keep” the Sabbath?
  2. God explains what His name means and contrasts Himself with every false god. Do the “10 Commandments” apply to Christians? Is “10 commandments” the right way to view these words from God?
  3. The Fellows take a one week break from their series on the history of the Reformation to answer listener questions. The questions range all the way from the doctrine of Zwingli to apologetic responses to evolution.
  4. We are told to fear God. Does that mean we are to live our whole life being afraid of God or is something else going on? What is the difference between listening to God and obeying Him?
  5. Moses continues addressing the people. He recounts how God has fought for Israel and how he pleaded with God a final time to let him enter the promised land.
  6. Moses recounts wandering around the wilderness for 38 years. God puts prohibitions on who Israel is allowed to engage in conflict with. Why is God good to the children of Esau?
  7. In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Charles Spurgeon's sermon, "God or Self - Which?" This week, traditions, rituals, and a lot of talk about pastoral care.
  8. Moses recounts the people's refusal to trust God when the report comes back from the promised land. A crazy accusation is made against God.
  9. Chad and Daniel begin the journey through Deuteronomy. After some introduction to the book, we see Moses start addressing the second generation of Israel and take a shot at those who came before them for the journey taking so long.
  10. Chad and Daniel wrap up Numbers. Cities of refuge are established. There are rules and commands for “blood redeemers.” What does the Old Testament concept of being a brother tell us about Jesus?
  11. What does the common old testament phrase “before the Lord” really mean? God is everywhere, but is He everywhere in the same way?