1. Oftentimes when we are serving in ministry, we brainstorm outreach and growth. But what does growth look like when you live in a rural setting? What does growth look like when things remain small?
  2. What is it mean to be blessed? What does it mean to bless others? In this episode, we talk about the power of words, and the power of the gospel given through words.
  3. Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law. Your host, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, is a lawyer, a theologian, an author, and an accomplished defender of biblical Christianity. He is no stranger to the rules of evidence or the courtroom. So with our skeptical world for the prosecution and Dr. John Warwick Montgomery for the defense, stay with us as we listen in on Christianity on Trial.
  4. You Know, The Next Thing. In this episode, we continue reading Robert Capon’s The Mystery of Christ, and Why We Don’t Get It. We further discuss pastoral care, exegesis, the purpose of theology, and where Christian preaching points us.
  5. You Know, The Thing. In this episode, Robert Capon on The Mystery of Christ, and Why We Don’t Get It. We discuss exegesis, pastoral care, preaching, and the task of a theologian.
  6. Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law. Your host, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, is a lawyer, a theologian, an author, and an accomplished defender of biblical Christianity. He is no stranger to the rules of evidence or the courtroom. So with our skeptical world for the prosecution and Dr. John Warwick Montgomery for the defense, stay with us as we listen in on Christianity on Trial.
  7. According to the make believe wokeness-ometer, Jesus qualifies as the most authoritative voice because he was the most oppressed. Poor Jew, not from Jerusalem, under Roman rule, betrayed by his own, even his friends, killed because of his identity. Listen to him.
  8. Turning Inward to Attack Evil. In this episode, we continue to discuss Simone Weil on Evil. The importance of Jesus’ sacrificial death as expiation and redemption and what happens when we try to make good apart from God.
  9. Am I Evil? In this episode, we continue to read and discuss Simone Weil on Evil. Violence, suffering, and justice. What part does human evil play in Jesus’ sacrificial death?