1. The Thinking Fellows discuss the doctrine of man. What is humanity? What is human nature? What does it mean that man is sinful?
  2. The Thinking Fellows are live from the Here We Still Stand regional event in North West Arkansas.
  3. Who Stole The Soul? In this episode, we finish our discussion of Luther’s commentary on Habakkuk, talking about history, what happens when the Word walks amongst us, what a blessing is, earthly matters of vocation and calling, and churches as islands of salvation.
  4. 1517 Contributor, Haroldo Camacho, joins Kelsi to talk about how he found himself - without any previous background in Luther's works or Lutheranism - unexpectedly translating Luther's Commentary on Galatians in both Spanish and English.
  5. Love Will Keep Us Together. In this episode, we discuss the Song of Habakkuk, Martin Luther’s commentary on the song, Jesus as the foundation of reality, why mirrors are dangerous, trans-humanism, pop culture, church architecture, consumerism, why liturgy is an expression of the truth, how the Holy Spirit covers all things in meaning, and how the sacrament anchors earth to heaven.
  6. Day Trippin’. In this episode, we talk about Easter, altars, cosmic mountains, church history, open fonts, restored virtue, saints, angels, powers of darkness, idols, icons, images, searching for the truth, and how Jesus is the archetype of all archetypes, and in between we read Luther on the Old Testament by Heinrich Bornkamm.
  7. Everybody’s Working for the Weekend. In this episode, we continue our Lenten tradition of reading Luther’s Galatians commentary in March, discussing past and present idolatry and why we keep falling for the same sales pitches from the same gods.
  8. Today, on the Christian History Almanac, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about Christian Saints.
  9. The Parable of the Lawless, Polygamist Groom. In this episode, we discuss the parable of the ten virgins as preached by John Piper. We converse about law and promise, red herrings, who’s wise and foolish in the parable, the bondage of the will and the doctrine of election, and the consequences for hearers of such parabolic sermons.
  10. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-TWO, Mike, Wade and Matt Scharf from Grace Lutheran in downtown Milwaukee discussed Luther’s Flood Prayer, often used for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
  11. Today on the Christian History Almanac podcast, we consider the life and works of a multifaceted and kaleidoscopic enigma (!) Johann Gerhard.
  12. In this episode, we discuss spiritual warfare and its effects on clergy and laity alike. We read Harold Roseau’s book to discuss the realities of spiritual warfare, what’s at stake, and what happens when we take seriously what the Bible teaches us about the unseen and seen war raging around us.