1. Join the conversation with Cindy Koch and her children in this six-part series involving select FAIRY TALES. On this episode we recall the adventures of Pinocchio, while discussing total depravity, consequences for sin, and a gracious Savior. We were inspired by an essay by J.R.R. Tolkien called “On Fairy Stories”. Ultimately, these fun stories stir up simple truths about ourselves, our God, and the greatest story we know in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. We are introduced to a strange character named Balaam. Out of fear of their numbers, king Balak summons Balaam to curse Israel. Balaam asks God twice if he should go.
  3. Family Style Theology encourages theological conversations with children of all ages. In this series, Daughter, teenage girls from ages 13-22 gather to discuss our greater story found in the Word of God. Together we talk about knowing the truth about ourselves and discovering God’s truth in the Bible according to His story in Genesis 1, Psalm 139, and John 1.
  4. Israel comes to Edom and requests to travel through their land. The king of Edom refuses and threatens them. Israel moves on and Aaron dies on a mountain where the office of the high priest is transferred to his son.
  5. Miriam dies and is buried. A lot of time has passed and most of the generation that left Egypt has died but that hasn’t stopped the people from complaining.
  6. It's almost Christmas! And that means 40 Minutes in the Old Testament and 30 Minutes in the New Testament are coming together again. Daniel, Chad, and Erick take a look at the 2nd chapter of Matthew and the passages he cites from Micah and Hosea.
  7. It's almost Christmas! And that means 40 Minutes in the Old Testament and 30 Minutes in the New Testament are coming together again. Daniel, Chad, and Erick take a look at the 2nd chapter of Matthew and the passages he cites from Micah and Hosea.
  8. Chad and Daniel discuss why God commands a certain sacrifice involving an unblemished red heifer. Why does the color matter? Why do the ashes matter?
  9. The people are now angry with Moses and Aaron and come up with a very old Adam reason that everything is Moses’ fault. Moses prays but God has had enough and strikes the people with a plague.
  10. Caleb and Scott Keith sit down and answer and a handful of listener questions. Topics include particular sins, where should I go to church, is God Father Loving?
  11. A rebellion is organized against Moses. His response is both sorrow and anger. We see the difference between power and authority.
  12. God wants everyone to experience forgiveness and sets up ways for the non-Jews to come in. Where are examples of this happening elsewhere in the Bible?