1. Daniel and Erick talk about Judas and the danger of mixing religion and politics and the benefits of a low anthropology.
  2. On episode FORTY-FIVE of Let the Bird Fly! the guys (sans Ben) get together to discuss C.S. Lewis’ book The Four Loves.
  3. Daniel and Erick discus what is probably the most famous parable concerning the final judgment, the sheep and the goats.
  4. The last few episodes Daniel and Erick have talked about tribulation and the end of all things.
  5. It's all eschatology in this episode as Daniel and Erick wrap up Matthew 24.
  6. Daniel and Erick don't talk much about the tribulation and the end of all things but today is the day!
  7. After spending two episodes dealing with the apparent tension between justification and good works we dedicate another installment to the doctrine of vocation.
  8. After some non-spoiler Star Wars talk Daniel and Erick wrap up the "the woes" Jesus dished out on the Pharisees.
  9. Jesus is about to go after those who sit in the seat of Moses. What does that mean and why does Jesus tell the people to listen to them but not follow them?
  10. Jesus is put to the test in a series of questions about taxes, the resurrection of the dead and the greatest commandment.
  11. Jesus tells two stories foreshadowing Israel's rejection of Him and His death.
  12. A cursed fig tree, faith to do anything, mounts being thrown into the sea and the rejection of John the Baptizer.