1. Nietzsche is Dead. In this episode, learning from Friedrich Nietzsche how to repent and believe in Christ Jesus as Savior.
  2. As a continuation of the last episode, Dr. Paulson explains that the goal of Erasmus's skepticism is a calculated submission.
  3. This, That, and Another Thing. In this episode, we do a pastoral debrief, discussing vocation, doctrine, and the daily struggles and afflictions of Christians.
  4. Through the Gospel of Matthew, Craig and Troy continue talking about the "two religions." One is firm, built on the rock of Christ. The other is unstable, built upon literally anything else.
  5. Three Men Enter, One Man Leaves. In this episode, we talk to Dr. Scott Keith about Christian doctrine and vocation. How do we live faithfully in Christ while simultaneously living in our vocations in a sinful, evil world?
  6. A Seditious Gospel. In this episode, Martin Luther preaches when Christians must rebuke sinful rulers, and when the Gospel becomes a seditious doctrine.
  7. Guilty, Until Proven Gospeled. In this episode, we conclude our reading and discussion of Robert Capon’s, The Mystery of Christ & Why We Don’t Get It. How does the Gospel of Jesus Christ free us from wallowing in guilt and living in the comforting freedom of knowing we’ve been chosen in Christ since the foundation of the world?
  8. Dr. Paulson closes out chapter five of Luther's Outlaw God.