1. A Pharisee invites Jesus over for dinner and a prostitute shows up. How far does the forgiveness of Jesus go?
  2. Daniel Emery Price and Erick Sorensen talk with Chad Bird about his Christmas/Communion hymn, The Infant Priest Was Holy Born.
  3. Sometimes, the end is just the beginning. Gillespie and Riley conclude their reading of Martin Luther’s treatise on The Bondage of The Will. This episode, they discuss the relation of emotions to God’s Word and why Christians aren’t skeptics.
  4. I’m sorry, but your opinion means very little to me. Gillespie and Riley start to wrap up their reading of Martin Luther’s Bondage of The Will with a discussion of the Bible’s clarity and why personal feelings and our need to find meaning in everything can hijack God’s Word.
  5. What about the reality we left behind? Gillespie and Riley wrap up (but, not really) their series on Martin Luther's treatise on The Bondage of the Will. This episode, Erasmus and Luther butt heads about how to interpret Scripture. Luther lays out how he interprets Scripture, which will form the rest of his argument about the relation (or lack thereof) between free choice and salvation.
  6. Free choice? It'll blow your mind and crush your soul. Gillespie and Riley start to wrap up their series on Martin Luther's treatise on The Bondage of the Will. This episode, what is free choice according to Erasmus? What's at stake in his argument for our ability to participate in our own salvation? Where does that leave God's Word and gifts?
  7. Law and Gospel? Let us grab our whiteboard. This has been a long time coming, anyways. Gillespie and Riley talk about what happens when we fail to distinguish God's word of Law from Gospel. More talk about why grammar matters. Finally, we follow a rabbit trail to it's theological conclusion and explain why we always default to law talk rather than Gospel talk when discussing God's will.