1. The people are now angry with Moses and Aaron and come up with a very old Adam reason that everything is Moses’ fault. Moses prays but God has had enough and strikes the people with a plague.
  2. Caleb and Scott Keith sit down and answer and a handful of listener questions. Topics include particular sins, where should I go to church, is God Father Loving?
  3. A rebellion is organized against Moses. His response is both sorrow and anger. We see the difference between power and authority.
  4. God wants everyone to experience forgiveness and sets up ways for the non-Jews to come in. Where are examples of this happening elsewhere in the Bible?
  5. God forgives Israel but there are pretty heavy consequences for their rebellion. In what way is Numbers 14 a better example of the sinfulness of man than Genesis 3?
  6. God asks “How long will the people reject Him?” Moses argues that the name of God will be defamed if He destroys the Jews and in a very Christ-like moment intercedes for those trying to kill him.
  7. Spies are sent out to check out the land God has promised them. It is everything God promised but the people who live there are enormous.
  8. This is a live recording from the 2018 Here We Still Stand Conference. Chad and Daniel are joined by guests Erick Sorenson and Michael Heiser to discuss Numbers 21:4-9.
  9. All of these episodes should be personal, to some extent. After all, these aren't static, other-worldly doctrines but we are dealing with the message of life itself. But there is something especially personal about taking the whole theological enterprise and focusing it on your own particular problem: sin. And not abstract sin, but the real stuff.
  10. Miriam and Aaron get a little big for their britches and speak against Moses. What does this have with Moses’ Cushite wife and the fact that others are prophesying?
  11. Our goal is to proclaim the genuine good news—that’s what “Gospel” means—of Christ’s forgiveness for you. We do not offer you better tips, techniques or checklists. Instead, You Are Forgiven is sermons by faithful pastors who will clearly show how you cannot be forgiven by your own efforts, no matter how well you do on your homework, your checklist of tasks. But they will also show how you are actually and already forgiven because Jesus has done all that is needed, for you!
  12. The “riff-raff” start complaining about the food situation in the wilderness and the people start demanding meat. What was mana like? Was it really that bad?