1. Psalm 50 is rebuke to those that either think they are too important, or they think God doesn't notice their acceptance of sin and hypocracy.
  2. Better off spending one day in the courts of heaven with our loving God than a hundred anywhere else.
  3. Psalm 82 gives us a glimpse into the cosmic realm where God pronounces judgement on the fallen angels.
  4. Today on the show, we remember a Christian “devoted to the least of these,” Dorothy Day.
  5. Psalm 81 is another description of the errors of God’s people throughout history.
  6. The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.
  7. A Psalm that speaks to the heartache of surveying the ruins of our lives.
  8. It can all seem so unfair. The wicked prosper and the ones who look to God seem to suffer the most.