1. On episode SIXTY-THREE of Let the Bird Fly! the guys sit down in Wade’s backyard to discuss the podcast.
  2. On this episode, we follow Thinking Fellows tradition and record a special Father's Day episode.
  3. Chad and Daniel discuss the laws for gleaning and taking care of the poor and strangers and how this plays out in other places in scripture even leading to the preservation of the line of Christ.
  4. Chad and Daniel go into more detail discussing the 18th chapter of Leviticus. What does it mean to uncover someone's nakedness? Is there such a thing as casual sin?
  5. "The life is in the blood." Chad and Daniel spend a bunch of time discussing this crucial verse. What does it say about the physicality of redemption and atonement, the gift nature of blood itself and why does location matter?
  6. Chad and Daniel discuss The Day of Atonement and why this day not only applied to people but places and things as well. Blood, goat demons, flags, and idolatry are addressed.
  7. This week, Josh Keith joins his father and brother the regular hosts of the Thinking Fellows, for a special episode on vocation.
  8. God has some things to say about sex in relation to idolatry. At the heart of everything is the day of atonement. What is going on in the use of two different goats?
  9. It's all about being unclean this week. Bodily discharge, childbearing, and leprosy are discussed. Why are men and women treated differently?
  10. On episode FIFTY-SIX of Let the Bird Fly! the guys have a full house, with all four of them present, plus three guests.
  11. Chad and Daniel tackle the dietary rules for Israel. Why are some animals clean and others unclean? Is it health? Is it pagan association? Is there any real reason at all?
  12. God is showing up with fire in this episode. Chad and Daniel discuss fire in the Bible and it's consuming nature. Two young priests get the holiness of God wrong and it goes very badly.