1. Dr. Paulson and Caleb continue to outline Luther’s response to Erasmus.
  2. Dr. Paulson continues into chapter six of Luther's Outlaw God. In this episode, he further defines what it means for man to "not want God to be God."
  3. Dr. Paulson introduces chapter six of Outlaw God Volume One. Here Paulson uncovers an important assertion from Luther, and we do not want God to be God.
  4. Scott and Caleb continue with articles 7-9 of the Augsburg Confession.
  5. Caleb and Scott discuss article four of the Apology to the Augsburg Confession.
  6. Caleb and Scott read and discuss the first three articles of the Augsburg Confession and the Apology.
  7. "Your faith has made you well" . . . except faith never believes in itself, but trusts only in its object, namely Jesus.
  8. Dr. Paulson and Caleb are joined by Adam Guthmiller once again. This time they talk about faith and certainty in Luther's refutation of Erasmus.
  9. A Luther House of Study student Adam Guthmiller joins Caleb and Dr. Paulson to discuss Luther's assertions concerning the faith.
  10. We are all veterans of some sort. Wounded from little wars with no heroes welcome and scars disguised as character flaws. Let the dead bury their own. Grab a seat, O weary soldiers. Let us entertain you with a fairy tale that might be actually be real.
  11. Narrow gates, false prophets, and being denied by the Lord all stem from the same thing: the religion of "You." Craig and Troy work through some hard sayings in Jesus' sermon.
  12. According to the make believe wokeness-ometer, Jesus qualifies as the most authoritative voice because he was the most oppressed. Poor Jew, not from Jerusalem, under Roman rule, betrayed by his own, even his friends, killed because of his identity. Listen to him.