1. Deuteronomy 32 verses 1-14 Song of Moses Part 1 Chris Lizotte sings "Unforgotten"
  2. After chatting a bit about the names of their houses, and life in general, Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin jump back in to the Heidelberg Disputation of 1518, and how it is such a great foundation for Biblical counseling.
  3. Kelsi is joined by Sandra Richter to discuss the portrayal of women throughout the Old Testament before honing in on the story of Deborah in Judges 4-5, specifically.
  4. Dead flies, sinners, and birds carry your gossip to other ears.
  5. IT'S JUST SO CREEPY. Just when you think the world has reached its lowest point, you go and open the bible and see when it was even lower.
  6. Street-Fighting Man. In this episode, we continue our discussion of the question of when it is permissible for Christians to oppose civil authority. It’s more important than ever for Christians to grasp the fundamentals of vocation, the relation of politics to liturgy, the place of the sacraments within the worship of the church, and the life of Christians, why there cannot be such a thing as a Christian nation.
  7. A refreshing episode on the great mercies of our God.
  8. We Worship & Adore… You? In this episode, we discuss the intersection of liturgy and politics as we read Oliver Olson’s essay, Politics, Liturgics, and Integritas Sacramenti. It’s a historical survey of liturgical practice and politics from ancient Israel to the present, discussing the importance of symbolism, meaning, and the purpose of liturgy for faith and life.
  9. Hidden Streams is exploring songs that are found in the canon of scripture.