1. One at the right hand, and one on the left . . . but Jesus doesn't think that means what they think it means.
  2. Dr. Paulson highlights the problem of necessity as it relates to the betrayal of Jesus.
  3. In this episode, Dr. Paulson examines the Apostle Paul's references to the Old Testament in Romans Chapter 9.
  4. Mary is blessed, because Mary knows the way God works and because she knows His promises, and she knows that in her womb grows her savior.
  5. Dr. Paulson discusses the difficulty of waiting on God's promises.
  6. Craig and Troy pick up where they left off last week and explore the spiritual meaning of the Reformation
  7. Jim Nestingen and Steve Paulson join Caleb and Scott to discuss the Smalcald Articles.
  8. Tradition in service of the gospel is good. Demanding the gospel serve tradition shows the filth of your heart.
  9. In this episode, Caleb and Dr. Paulson discuss salvation ex nihilo or "from nothing."
  10. In this episode we talk about who does what in repentance. It can be easy to put ourselves in the driver's seat of someone else's repentance.
  11. Is repentance really just an afterthought or a one-time event? Or is it the way of the Christian life in which God turns us away from ourselves and towards His Son.