1. The year was 2002. President Lukashenko of Belarus enacted a new and sweeping law restricting religious freedom. The reading is an excerpt from Oscar Romero, "The Violence of Love."
  2. The year was 1280. We remember the "Doctor Universalis" Albertus Magnus. The reading is a good word from Albertus, especially for those who study the natural world.
  3. The year was 1940. We remember the destruction of the Cathedral at Coventry. The reading is "The Coventry Litany of Reconciliation."
  4. The year was 1884. We remember Prince Owusu-Ansa of Asante. The reading is from Thomas C. Oden's "How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity."
  5. The year is 1701. We remember the Vestry Act of 1701. The reading for today comes from an obscure Quaker named Henry White.
  6. Discipleship as a spiritual discipline can be a means of hearing the gospel repeated like a wave washing over you, bringing to mind the reality of God's faithfulness consistently.
  7. In this episode, Blake sits down with writer, Chad Bird. They speak about his process, how it has changed over the years, and the necessity for all writers to be readers.
  8. The year was 1821... and 1855. We remember Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Søren Kierkegaard. The reading is from Dostoyevsky on the topic of art and Christ.
  9. The year was 1908. Archie Bailey placed the first Gideons Bible in a hotel in Superior, Montana. The reading is from St. Augustine, a famous quote on our Lord's Incarnation.
  10. The year was 1308. We remember John Duns Scotus. The reading is "The foolishness of God" by Luci Shaw.
  11. The year was 739. We remember St. Wilibrord. The reading is from e.e. Cummings, "I am a little church."