1. Today on the show, we head to Fiji for the story of John Hunt.
  2. Today on the show, we tell the story of perhaps the most famous evangelist of the 19th century.
  3. Today on the show, we remember perhaps the most interesting woman in Early Modern Europe
  4. Let’s Not Talk About Love. In this episode, we discuss R.C. Sproul’s Christmas sermon wherein he preaches on the Gospel of Luke chapter 2. The espresso kicked in early, and we read through the whole sermon before diving deep into the distinction between exposition and proclamation, so buckle up. Riley talks too much while Gillespie exercises patience and restraint.
  5. Today on the show, we remember the poet, Denise Levertov.
  6. Today on the show, we head to the mailbag to talk about time.
  7. Is It Too Early for Jesus’ Birth? In this episode, we read excerpts from various early church fathers on Jesus’ birth, with a heavy emphasis on the historicity of God’s incarnation. What part did earthly signs play in announcing Jesus’ birth? Why did it matter to the early fathers that God was born on an actual day, in an actual place, at an actual time? Do we at the present place the same emphasis as the early fathers on Jesus’ birth?
  8. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND ELEVEN, Mike, Jason, and Wade are joined by both campus ministry pastors again to talk hermeneutics (how to read the Scriptures).
  9. n episode TWO HUNDRED AND TEN, Mike, Jason, and Wade are joined by both campus ministry pastors to talk hermeneutics (how to read the Scriptures).
  10. Today we learn of the mystery of Christ become flesh. Our normal inclination is to think of God beyond our comprehension in holy majesty – too far above for us to imagine.