1. Today on the show, we look at the complicated religious context of Mary, Queen of Scots.
  2. We are taking a quick interlude to talk about the theological themes within the show "The Good Place."
  3. Today on the show, we remember another of the “Big A’s,” St. Ambrose of Milan.
  4. Today on the show, we remember Dave Brubeck and his unlikely fusion of Jazz and music for the church.
  5. Today on the show, we head to the mailbag to answer another Christmas question.
  6. Today we talk about John's imprisonment and his doubts about Christ as the messiah.
  7. Today on the show, we remember the father of African American spiritual hymnody: H.T. Burleigh.
  8. Today on the show, we remember the newly sainted Charles De Foucauld.
  9. Today on the show, we commemorate St. Andrew on his feast day.
  10. We are excited to have Natasha Kennedy, illustrator for to a children's book on the Apostle's Creed, talking about communicating through illustrated theology.
  11. Today on the show, we remember author Madeleine L’Engle.