1. Chad graces us with another beautiful and instructive meditation on Song of Songs.
  2. We live in a world that has so grossly perverted the idea of love, so its easy to avoid thinking about God's love for us, because that could be a little gross and uncomfortable.
  3. When everything seems to conspire against us...
  4. In episode THREE HUNDRED AND NINE, using a chapter from Mark Mattes' Law & Gospel in Action, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss whether there is such a thing as a Lutheran ethic and, if so, what it looks like (and what it doesn't)?
  5. King David had to flee for his life because his son Absolam was trying to kill him.
  6. To the Teaching and the Testimony!
  7. The Fear of God is a Sanctuary.
  8. The centrality of Christ, the lover of our souls, the light of the world, everything else is like a shadow.
  9. God with us. Born under the law.