1. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we wish a happy birthday to the “Godfather of Gospel Music."
  2. As we move towards the end of the Song of Songs, once again we are confronted with the depths and riches of God's perfect love for us.
  3. "Better than I deserve" is a statement rich with meaning for those of us who have heard the good news and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
  4. In this episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price look into the biblical narrative of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18:22-23.
  5. That we are the "bride of Christ", this thought can get us confused and uneasy, as in "why would He want to have anything to do with me?"
  6. As we enter Lent, we are so blessed to know that the scriptures give us a script to speak to God about our concerns and despair.
  7. Glorious things await the bride of Christ. Chad meditates on the wondrous love Christ has for us, and our curious imaginations and interpretations of what Christ actually looks like.
  8. Chad graces us with another beautiful and instructive meditation on Song of Songs.
  9. We live in a world that has so grossly perverted the idea of love, so its easy to avoid thinking about God's love for us, because that could be a little gross and uncomfortable.
  10. When everything seems to conspire against us...