1. In a new segment of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi hosts theologians Robert Kolb and Steven Paulson for a debate on the third use of the law.
  2. Dr. Paulson continues discussing Jonah's time in the belly of the whale.
  3. Sure Shot. In this episode of Banned Books, we read Rod Rosenbladt’s essay, Christ Died for the Sins of Christians Too. We talk about theological mentors, the Reformation, law and Gospel, justification, sanctification, the Church, and where we find our comfort at all times, in all places.
  4. "You shall not covet." The final two commandments bring the Outlaw God back to the subject of the human will.
  5. "You shall not commit adultery." Caleb and Dr. Paulson talk about the importance of marriage, the place and purpose of sex, and how the family is the central matter at the heart of the six commandments.
  6. Dr. Paulson covers the 5th commandment, "You shall not murder."
  7. Dr. Paulson and Caleb enter the second table of the law. "You shall honor your father and mother."
  8. What does it mean to remember the Sabbath Day? In this episode, Dr. Paulson and Caleb discuss what it means to worship God and receive his gifts.
  9. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain.
  10. Caleb and Dr. Paulson continue to discuss the explanation of the First Commandment.
  11. Kelsi and Daniel Emery Price talk about the function and telos of the law and the gospel before jumping into Dan’s book, Scandalous Stories: A Sort of Commentary on the Parables, and their discussion on what can go wrong when reading the parables and the reason Jesus uses them in the first place.
  12. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY-SIX, Mike, Wade, and Jason discuss swearing and oaths (with some beeping).