Old Testament: Isaiah 7:10-17 (Christmas Eve: Series B)
How would you respond in trust to the God who is with us? This is a perfect line of thinking on Christmas Eve as we behold the coming of Christ the King as the babe of Bethlehem who is our Emmanuel. -
Old Testament: Isaiah 7:10-17 (Advent 4: Series A)
A sign was given to Ahaz to point him toward the greater sign given in a manger and that Bethlehem’s Messiah is the sign we look forward to seeing in the sky when Jesus, our Emmanuel, comes again. -
O Emmanuel: Christmas in the Garden of Eden
On each of the seven days leading up to Christmas Eve (December 17-23), Chad Bird will provide a meditation that focuses on the ancient “O Antiphons,” each of which addresses Christ by a different Old Testament name. Today’s reflection, the last of this series, is on “O Emmanuel.” -
Not Your Typical Virgin Birth Story
Mary’s virginity has to do with the story of a jackass king, two growling enemies, a young lady, and a big, bad Assyrian dog. -
Old Testament: Isaiah 7:10-17 (Advent 4: Series A)
“God with Us” a common theme throughout Scripture: No one else has a God like ours, who is truly with His people.
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