Gospel: John 16:23-33 (Easter 6: Series C)
Jesus opens for us a way to walk through suffering and to sing our song of salvation as we talk to our heavenly Father. -
Gospel: John 16:12-22 (Easter 5: Series C)
What we have in our reading is a picture of how God deals with a lack of understanding. -
Gospel: John 16:23-33 (Easter 6: Series C)
When you are not experiencing this kind of tribulation, the promise of “you will” hardly seems comforting. But when you are in the midst of it—when the pressure of this world is bearing down on you—it is comforting to know it has not caught God unawares. -
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy. -
Gospel: John 16:12-22 (Easter 5: Series C)
We also have reasons to grieve, and it should not be hard to think of causes for sorrow in your congregation. But, because of the Resurrection, we do not grieve as those without hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Our joy is a gift here and now, but it will not be complete until Jesus’ return.
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