1. The communion service is a sermon in and of itself. The communion sermon is that which most expressly tells us of the sinless One who stands in the sinner’s stead.
  2. It was during one of these garbage burns, however, that I was bathed in a fresh remembrance of grace.
  3. I’d say that one of the best depictions of God’s grace comes from a well-beloved and world-renowned children’s fantasy novel, that being C. S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
  4. The rich young ruler’s inquiry to the Lord Jesus in Mark 10:17–22 (along with Matt. 19:16–22; Luke 10:25–28) remains increasingly prescient for us today.
  5. The salvation of wretched sinners by an omni-holy and forever-righteous God is, by all accounts, a categorical impossibility.

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