1. Have you ever read the Old Testament book of Lamentations? It’s not one of those Bible books that tend to make it too often onto devotional lists, sermon schedules or motivational posters.
  2. The prophet Jonah longed for one thing: to see the Assyrian city of Nineveh utterly destroyed by the wrath of God. His wish eventually came true
  3. What does it mean to be a child of God and to carry his image? This is a theological question, but it is a question necessary for our self-understanding
  4. Can there be joy in obedience? That depends on if obedience if a free choice or the result of threats.
  5. Life is certainly unfair. But in Christ, at least in part, we rejoice at such a notion. Grace, that great descriptor of God’s devotion, is a word that only finds its purpose, only exists at all, because it exists as a response to guilt.

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