Augsburg Confession (9)
  1. The problem with sin is that we fail to honor God who wants to take our hearts captive and fill us with his goodness.
  2. The reformers were compelled to confess the true faith and challenge corrupt practices—this is what the Augsburg Confession is about.
  3. God has a strange delivery system, the foolish preaching of the cross and foolish preachers for Christ’s sake delivering it.
  4. "A Lutheran Toolkit" is available for purchase today from 1517 Publishing
  5. This is an excerpt from “A Lutheran Toolkit” written by Ken Sundet Jones (1517 Publishing, 2021), pgs. 23-25.
  6. Our righteousness and the righteousness of our neighbor have nothing to do with what we eat or do not eat.
  7. Divine election hacking happens with the proposal that God’s Word is irrelevant and powerless, weak and impotent.
  8. Prior to the diet, the outlook for the new evangelical protestors was far from hopeful.
  9. The time constrained authoring of the Augustana caused great angst, for the part of Melanchthon that was never satisfied with his own literary output.