Augsburg Confession (9)
  1. On this episode, Caleb and Scott complete their comments on the Augsburg Confession and the Apology.
  2. Caleb and Scott talk about article 16 of the Augsburg Confession.
  3. Caleb and Scott discuss article four of the Apology to the Augsburg Confession.
  4. Caleb and Scott read and discuss the first three articles of the Augsburg Confession and the Apology.
  5. Scott and Caleb introduce the Augsburg Confession.
  6. Coming back from the Diet of Augsburg the Lutheran reformers began responding to the doctrinal backlash of the Confutation.
  7. In 1530 an imperial diet was called to the city of Augsburg. Among many issues to be addressed was the increasing influence of Lutheran theology.
  8. Prior to the diet, the outlook for the new evangelical protestors was far from hopeful.
  9. The time constrained authoring of the Augustana caused great angst, for the part of Melanchthon that was never satisfied with his own literary output.