Church Seasons (1081)
  1. The beauty of our gospel reading today is how it reveals Jesus as the One who comes not only for the strong in faith but also for those who are weak and walking away.
  2. We have a Servant who stands in/is a substitute for Israel. This is the One who will atone for the sin of Israel—even the sin of the whole world.
  3. James’ concern today is false doctrine. This week he is directing his gaze at the preachers who deliver a false gospel.
  4. The text gives beautiful imagery of the “waters of life” and how they will transform the dead and barren and bring new life.
  5. To act according to a “theology of glory” that exalts in money and status at the cost of your brothers and sisters who are hurting or suffering in any way is to act in the opposite way of Christ.
  6. Jesus does not remain at a distance from our suffering. He fully enters it and bears its burden.
  7. Our enemy is both external AND internal. Outside of us AND inside of us. It is the old evil foe who prowls around us AND the old Adam who wreaks havoc inside each of us.
  8. No soldier enters the battlefield without protection. So, Paul teaches us what it means to be clothed in the full armor of God, whose might is our strength.
  9. These statutes are a description of what the child of God looks like—how they walk, talk, teach, live, and have their being!
  10. Hypocrisy continues to rear its head as the formalistic worship and worshippers neglect their LORD and their neighbor.
  11. Is this text about marriage or Jesus? The answer should be obvious by now: Yes!
  12. No longer do we read about Jesus promising to satisfy and raise and abide in His people. Instead, we encounter a Jesus who goes on the attack.

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