Epiphany (206)
  1. Epiphany—is for the Gentiles, those who were once not God’s people, but who now, by the grace of God in Christ have become the people of God
  2. In light of all God did by great signs and wonders in Egypt to get Israel up to the promised land in Deuteronomy, is there now really any other god who they would want to worship or any other path they would want to take? It really is an option which is a “non-option” is it not?
  3. The Corinthians were making mud pies, playing with imaginary friends, and blindly following know-it-alls who were leading them into theological and moral pitfalls.
  4. For Jesus to be enforcing God’s Law seems strange to some people today, and it would have seemed strange to some people back then.
  5. Isaiah says in summary “liturgical ritual without works is dead” because we render the meaningful worship of God meaningless and even sinful when we do not love our neighbor.
  6. Let us not recoil at the sight and sound of the crucifixion. It is the battlefield of victory. It is the throne of the King. It is the symbol of salvation.
  7. God has the power to take that which is small, that which is overlooked, that which is despised, and use it to create something wonderful.
  8. In today's episode of Preaching the Text we talk again about the distinction between law and gospel.

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