Essays on Preaching (282)
  1. Not only is “the Hidden God” marked by the “no trespassing” sign, God Hidden also points us to the God revealed in Jesus the Messiah and the Scriptures which bear witness to Him.
  2. Time devoted to planning, to say nothing of prayer, pays-off in the long run many times over. If ever there was a vocation that need not be in a hurry, it is the cure of souls.
  3. No Bible passage is so clear that we cannot twist it to conform our own presuppositions and prejudices. We do this because we fear the implications of what the text says.
  4. We have the great gift of freedom. But it is not the only gift. We also have the gift of conscience, and we have the gift of love.
  5. A life of repentance embraces the ashes placed on our own foreheads and the coals we feel heaped upon our heads, for these ashes and coals bid us to join in the refreshment and restoration that comes on the road of repentance.
  6. Faith in the Risen One gives us a degree of certainty, even in the face of the trials of those around us, in our core understanding of self and world, for this faith relies on a person.
  7. Any other foundation than the Gospel of Jesus Christ for shaping a reliable character will be inadequate, for all other foundations focus our lives on ourselves or some creature of God.
  8. Dear preachers, if you recoil at the prospect of sermons which are generated by algorithmic bots, then here is a first step in your resistance: Make your preparation to preach more analog.
  9. Willimon is living testimony that there is plenty of humor as well as pathos in being a pastor. This rambunctious Methodist preacher adds ample spice to the homiletical stew he doles out.
  10. More easily than we think, our failure to respect and fear, love and trust in God above all things, can eat away at our peace, our joy, our life itself.
  11. Our trust in Jesus pours contentment into the way we think and the way we experience life.
  12. Trusting in Christ’s promise of new life and deliverance pours gratitude into the way we think and the way we experience life.

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