Faith and Works (76)
  1. We love hearing about Jesus, but we also love hearing about how much effort we need to exert to truly pull off this whole “Christian life” thing.
  2. Jesus came for little children, and that is what we are. We are children of God.
  3. Jesus has instituted his living-breathing disciples, his shepherds in his church, to declare the full forgiveness of sins.
  4. To obtain this righteousness, you have to admit you don’t have it and could never produce it on your own because you are unrighteous.
  5. There is a bit of Narcissus in all of us. We are all lost within ourselves.
  6. What the gospel does is take people who were enemies of God and transform them into lovers of God
  7. Success is emphatically not your primary identity.
  8. We know we are made for something great. We humans were created in God’s image and restored through Christ in his perfect image.
  9. The notion that your goodness is “good enough” to make you right with God is a lie straight from the father of lies himself.
  10. This is the sound of freedom. The Eternal One died so that we who are dying might live eternally with him.
  11. Faith sees your neighbor not as a means to an end, not as a way to score points, but as an object of love: Christ's love and yours.
  12. What if Jesus had said on the cross, “Earn it”?

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