Faith and Works (108)
  1. The gospel is not an if-then proposition for us to achieve by works, but a done-deal completion by Christ alone which we receive by faith. Even as a good tree bears good fruit, a living faith does living things: it confesses, believes and trusts in Christ above all things. Today, Craig and Troy dive into all of these issues and more on "For You Radio."
  2. Heroes all have deep flaws and weaknesses. It is the same in real life as it is in myths. Craig and Troy take a look into the life and times of the Prophet Jonah. He is the kind of Bible Hero that we love to hate, but mostly because he is so much like us. What made Jonah tick? Why did he run when God told him to go to Ninevah? How does God work in spite of Jonah's weakness and rebellion? Listen to this episode of For You Radio and find out!
  3. When the Bible talks about bearing fruit, it’s not talking about what we must do to produce fruit.
  4. “There is no obedience that does not have its eyes on either God or neighbor. An obedience that is motivated by what we will get out of it is no obedience at all.”
  5. We expect God to try us, not for our crimes, but for our better moments.
  6. On episode SEVENTY-NINE of Let the Bird Fly! Mike and Wade hang in Wade’s backyard (this was record back when it was warm in Milwaukee still—too long ago!) to discuss an essay by J.P. Koehler, “Legalism Among Us.”
  7. You say: Since forgiveness depends on faith alone, why must one nonetheless do good works? Answer: If faith is of the true sort, it cannot be without good works, just as no good work can be where unbelief dwells.
  8. One of the most famous things Jesus ever said was “Follow me.” He said it over and over. So much that it was recorded more than twenty times in the New Testament.
  9. What happens when our children are taught to read the Scriptures as evidence that God is a heavenly Santa Claus? When happens when they think God rewards or punishes them depending on whether they've been naughty or nice?
  10. The Devil cultivates fear of God and promotes motivation and zeal for outward works and earthly virtue out of pure eternal self-concern.
  11. The devil tempts us to hope in things that we can do.
  12. Samson knew what he wanted when he saw it, and most of the time, living by sight, he walked like a blind man straight into an ambush.

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