Family (103)
  1. Jennifer Roback Morse joins the Thinking Fellows to discuss the sexual revolution.
  2. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FOUR, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss Mothers Day, mothers, motherhood, and the church as our mother.
  3. 1517 Contributor, Katie Koplin, joins Kelsi to talk about her new devotional, Encouragement for Motherhood which is a compilation of devotionals for moms, written by moms.
  4. In the last episode, we talked about the tradwife movement. In this episode we move on to talk about what a homemaker actually is.
  5. What's the difference between a stay at home mom and a Tradwife?
  6. Co-host, Katie Koplin has curated a gospel central devotional for moms, and it's coming out this next Tuesday.
  7. We have back on our dear friend, Sarah Crowder, as she talks about her contribution to the upcoming devotional "Encouragent to Motherhood."
  8. Jane Grizzle is one of the contributors to the upcoming devotional edited by Katie Koplin: "Encouragement for Motherhood."
  9. This is part 2 of our conversation on no-contact relationships, and looking at how various relationships of Jacob's are reconciled, and the spectrum of what that looks like.
  10. Is it okay for Christians to cut off contact with someone? Is it okay to cut off contact with family members? What about forgiveness?

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