The words of Jesus are hard words for us to hear today, especially in America. They call us to question our lifestyle choices, to turn from our pursuit of happiness, and to experience the gift of grace.
Jesus will return in glory to bring the fulfillment of God’s grace to all. Until that time, however, we are given one day in the life of Jesus and comforted by the multi-faceted nature of God’s grace.
If you have ever felt like you are standing on the outside looking in, like you do not belong in a beautiful church with its beautiful people, then listen to Jesus, because Jesus has a word for you.
While today we read all of the names of those who have departed this year, we do not lump them all together. Instead, we are asked to see them as God sees them, as individuals.
The presence of traditions is not the problem. It is the way in which we experience them. And on this day, Jesus reminds us of His presence, so all of us experience His grace.
We might think the course of our life is from our birth to our death. But Jesus opens our eyes to see that the direction of our existence is much larger than we can even imagine.