Gospel (111)
  1. Jesus is the One leading and teaching God’s people, who sustains them when they hunger in the wilderness.
  2. Jesus fills us with the Spirit and sends us as sources of living water into the thirsting world.
  3. Jesus has come that we might know God, not from a distance, but from His personal intervention in our lives.
  4. But notice one thing. When Jesus speaks of commands, He does so in the context of love.
  5. Even when you are not sure where Jesus is going, you are on the way, because you are with Him: The Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus is right by your side.
  6. Indeed, Jesus has come to rule the nations, but He will do this by submitting to His Father’s will, not Satan’s.
  7. Jesus came not to overwhelm us with His majesty but to touch us with God’s love.
  8. For Jesus to be enforcing God’s Law seems strange to some people today, and it would have seemed strange to some people back then.
  9. God has the power to take that which is small, that which is overlooked, that which is despised, and use it to create something wonderful.
  10. He cuts into our darkness with words that work like a knife. They awaken us from our routine to a sliver of light. Jesus reigns and He will return.
  11. As the church year ends, we are not give a vision of Jesus on His throne, ruling over a new creation. Instead, we see Jesus ruling from the cross. His grace comes in the midst of suffering and pain.
  12. When God does not give you a life free from suffering, He calls you to look for Him in the midst of suffering. There you find Him doing His work, giving you words to speak and promises to hold onto.

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