Jesus purifies His own and ends their identification as unfit to appear in His presence or in front of other people as the person we identify as our true self.
Jesus is our confidence because he reveals truth from falsehood, right from wrong, and reality from appearance, so that we may rely on him for our every need of body, soul, and mind.
Nuance, listening, patience, dialogue. These things seem missing as we analyze our problems in America! We get to speak with a former police officer and current pastor, Tim Barkett, to hear his take from the perspective of those who serve. Great interview.
There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!
We live in a world full of guilt and accusations. If you are covered with Christ's righteousness, then you have His righteousness in and for you and you cannot be condemned. Join Craig and Troy as they talk about all of these topics and more in Romans 8. Live by grace and not by the law.