Lectionary: Series B (496)
  1. The unity we have in the Church is a gift, a gracious creation of the triune God and not a work we accomplish or decide on.
  2. The rainbow is a sign of the covenant God is making with “all flesh which is on the earth” and to the coming generations.
  3. Prayers for the faith of the Church—prayed in love from a place of suffering—not only define much of Paul’s ministry, but are formed by the Christ they imitate.
  4. When the One who created the world comes to you, there is reason for courage and never reason to fear.
  5. The LORD promises He Himself will gather up the remnants and they will prosper under His shepherding.
  6. No matter how divided Jew and Gentile were, they were united in their sin. Christ alone is the answer to this.
  7. Because Jesus turns desolate, dying places into holy landscapes of life.
  8. I would understand if you were a bit offended. This looks more like Game of Thrones than the Kingdom of God.
  9. This opening section of Ephesians is a virtual treasure trove of gospel promises, praising God for who He is and the abundant blessings He pours out upon His saints.
  10. In spite of the many issues of unfaithfulness, the LORD still refers to them as, “My people Israel,” pointing to the Covenantal promise.
  11. Ezekiel is not called/sent out to be “successful” in his prophetic ministry—he is sent out to be faithful!
  12. The God whose power is made perfect in our weakness is the God who, in weakness, saved you from sin, death, and the Devil.

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