Love of God (189)
  1. Sometimes the old story is the one we need to hear again and again.
  2. The great lie of addiction is that suffering must be fled, must be numbed, must be drowned out by any means necessary.
  3. To be happy is to be the object of God’s love in Christ and to love God and others with the love of Christ.
  4. The wrong god means love remains frail, fickle, or a fiction. The right God means love is the most reliable thing in all the world.
  5. Wisdom lurks in the outer places. Rich gratitude sprouts from the impoverished and forgotten.
  6. It is impossible to live our lives in a way that would convince God of our value because he already knows our value. He is the one who gave it to us.
  7. The love of God is creative, always giving, always reviving.
  8. More certain than death or taxes and more certain than “anything else in all creation” is the fact that God loves you.
  9. God’s creatures on four legs are some of the greatest storytellers of the Scriptures.
  10. It is the story of a God who is not distant, not indifferent, not doing anything in half-measures, but who is here, now.
  11. The Lion of Judah, Christ the King, Jesus of Nazareth, will not be away from us for one night.
  12. To embrace our creatureliness is to affirm the truth that we were created to worship.

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