Love of Neighbor (178)
  1. His forgiveness gives us the courage to watch out for our neighbor in both the present and the future, and to act with wisdom while understanding failures are still ahead.
  2. Christian freedom and Christian love go together in a most wonderful way.
  3. But where love is necessary we pray for our enemies and bless them in the hope that God will repent and convert them to the Gospel.
  4. Being a run-of-the-mill, mediocre parent is a gift to your children. It models for them what life is all about: the little things, the overlooked things, the minuscule elements of daily life that—in various ways—are God’s gifts to us.
  5. If affairs always begin by believing lies, then repentance always begins by believing the truth: the truth that you are in the wrong, the truth that you have a God who loves you in Jesus Christ, and the truth that he and he alone can save you not only from adultery but from every sin that seeks to lead you down the path of destruction.
  6. In Christian terms, this is a perfect example of the doctrine of vocation, where God calls us to serve our neighbor.
  7. She wasn’t so much giving up on her husband as giving up on herself. She was giving up trying to be the person who changes another person. It was going to take more than her to reform the man she loved.
  8. It's difficult enough for us to bear anothers' burdens, but carry another person's sin for him? Why would we do that?
  9. Their love story was a long time in coming. He was 82 and she 74. And this was the first, and the last, marriage for both.
  10. Life is too short to dream big dreams. They tend to devour everything that gets in their way, including family.
  11. But one key theme that kept surfacing again and again was love: Jesus loved people, the Church showed me genuine love, and above all, God’s love in Christianity is unconditional.
  12. Yes, how good it is for you to have enemies, for without them, when would you ever have the opportunity to fulfill, joyfully and willingly, the law of Christian love?

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