Luther's Works (80)
  1. Ultimately, however, we find in the Heidelberg Disputation the root and core of Luther’s theology, which he would build and expound upon throughout his life.
  2. What on God’s green earth does dynamite, a chemical explosive, have to do with the Gospel of Christ?
  3. Forgiveness of sin, righteousness, and eternal life aren't handed out by God because we deserve it.
  4. On this episode, our resident historian Dr. Adam Francisco talks about Martin Luther and his view of apologetics.
  5. On the television show Portlandia—a satirical comedy centered on hipster culture in Portland, Oregon—one episode highlights a conversation between the characters as Carrie and Alexandra look through Fred’s endless photo album of the places he’s traveled.
  6. As Luther’s efforts at reform began to build, so did the vacancies in monasteries and convents across Europe as monks and nuns motivated by evangelical teaching left their orders for other vocations and opportunities, including marriage.
  7. Just how should we think about our good works in the Christian life of faith as we live that life before others... and before God?
  8. In the public square, concerning public law, policy, and moral norms, debate is best carried out not with reference to that special revelation unique to a particular religion, but by appeal to that natural knowledge of the law possessed by all (even while recognizing human attempts, often successful, to suppress it).