Ministry of the Church (69)
  1. Because Jesus turns desolate, dying places into holy landscapes of life.
  2. I would understand if you were a bit offended. This looks more like Game of Thrones than the Kingdom of God.
  3. Jesus will bring good news, send His disciples to bring good news, and, in His death and resurrection, become good news for all.
  4. Trinity Sunday is a day we confess the mystery of our faith. It is a mystery that saves.
  5. Somedays we are simply looking for a mark, a rock at the foot of a tree, something to direct us forward, a few words to let us know we are going in the right direction.
  6. The One who has defeated sin, death, and the Devil himself is now living in Heaven and praying for you.
  7. Jesus will suffer, die, and rise again for them. By this love, they are forgiven. By this love, they are made His friends: Friends of God.
  8. Jesus is the vine. You are His branches. And God the Father delights to bring the inside out.
  9. As we gather for Palm Sunday, John invites us to simply experience the wonder of Jesus, the Lord of all, who does His work in humility.
  10. James and John come before Jesus and request positions of honor in His coming Kingdom. While we may be surprised at their actions, we understand their desires. They are interested in upward mobility.
  11. Jesus enters this world’s darkness and brings us the life-giving power of God’s light.
  12. At times, our Church struggles with clutter which distracts us from what is most important: Listening to our Lord and gathering at His table where we are fed.

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