Ministry of the Church (1613)
  1. Jesus is the only one who is His brothers’ keeper on behalf of all of humanity and the only one who answered the rhetorical question fully and correctly for you.
  2. Jesus speaks His Word, and a new world order emerges, with the possibility of uniting disparate parties in the true faith.
  3. Paul calls them the fruits of the Spirit after all
  4. The true masterpiece of the Bible’s narrative is that we are blessed not in the way we want but in the way God gives freely on account of Christ alone.
  5. The Kingdom will be manifest when the King wills it, and rest assured, He is a good King.
  6. The Word and the Spirit go together. The Spirit, the breath of God, illumines and makes alive through the Word of God; both written and external, that is, preached and sacramented.
  7. Strategic silence is a sanctified stall tactic which benefits both the preacher and the pew-sitter. It is not just dead air.
  8. Do You Read The Bible? What’s Your Secret? In this episode, we discuss how to understand the Bible from Matthias Flacius’ book, How to Understand the Sacred Scriptures.
  9. We need to hear the gospel because it is good news that is not from you, or about you, or because of you.
  10. Paul is talking about military-level allegiance here, the strongest kind of allegiance sworn to a king.

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