Motherhood (6)
  1. What's the difference between a stay at home mom and a Tradwife?
  2. Co-host, Katie Koplin has curated a gospel central devotional for moms, and it's coming out this next Tuesday.
  3. As we discuss ways that prosperity gospel sneaks into the family, we decided to start off by looking at the book of Proverbs, as these are often the verses that are cherry picked and often used to take prosperity gospel ideas in regard to the family.
  4. In this episode, Gretchen and Katie talk about all the projects they have in the works. From speaking engagements, a book on patience, a book on motherhood, and perhaps a children's book?
  5. Sometimes I think I've gone through the whole forgiveness process, but forgiveness for me often feels like I'm weeding my garden. I forgive and another offense pops up.
  6. Never has the law fallen so hard on me as in motherhood. Never before was I more aware that my best wasn’t good enough.