Palm Sunday (36)
  1. Jesus is not just another king in the line of David—this is the new King David! Hosanna in the highest!
  2. Explore the traditions of Palm Sunday with Cindy and her kids during our week of preparation before Easter! The Journey of Jesus begins today when he triumphantly rides into Jerusalem and it takes him straight to the cross. Have this conversation with your family as we walk closer to the great resurrection celebration!
  3. In the midst of our grief and sorrow, there are times when words fail us. When they do, we know that God has given us words that will never fail us. He’s graciously given us his words of hope and comfort from the Psalms.
  4. Our God-given faith, despite our lack of sight, has made us sons and daughters of light who walk in the light even during dark times.
  5. Look to the crucifix. There you see God as God is, in Himself. You see God in action for you.
  6. In this text, Isaiah is quite explicit and reflects the suffering and disgrace this Servant will suffer as He faithfully does the will of God.
  7. Here is truly illustrated the truth that no one comes to Christ except the Father draw him; and with what power, what delicious sweetness, the Father allures!
  8. This day was a day of choosing. On this day, Jewish households would select their Passover lambs (Ex. 12:3-6). The lambs had to be without blemish, the best of the best.
  9. It’s the following that caught my attention this week. It seems especially appropriate to consider this Sunday, for Holy Week is designed to help Christians follow Jesus through his last and consequential days.
  10. You have been invited to bring God’s grace to people who are dying for want of it.
  11. Two blind men see without sight. People shout "Hosanna" as Jesus rides into Jerusalem. Why is this text so important and what is going on behind that strange word?
  12. If you want to find God, he’s hiding in plain sight. Christ is in the very things that we would never select as a vessel befitting divinity.