Politics (53)
  1. White Bread with Bologna and Propaganda Spread. In this episode, we continue reading a sermon preached by Bishop Gerald Kennedy, on Communism in Churches (c. 1960). The discussion focuses on whether propaganda is more important than the truth.
  2. Religion is Extra Important. In this episode, is religion an extra? How has the communist doctrine on religion influenced our society and the churches? When is it time for churches to preach against society, and to what end?
  3. Red Dawn in the Church. In this episode, a sermon by Bishop Gerald Kennedy on communism in the churches. What did it mean in 1960, and what does it mean today, that religion is an opiate?
  4. Can We Just Have A Civil Christmas? In the episode, what was Christmas like during the Civil War? Puritans, holiday traditions, and why the Church is an incarnate Church.
  5. Have Yourself A Very Enlightened Christmas. In this episode, an examination of the impact of the Enlightenment on the Church, especially the preaching and traditions of Advent and Christmas.
  6. It’s Christmas in Germany for Hitler. In this episode, a historical examination of Christmas in Germany during the Nazi regime, including new hymns, advent calendars, the emergence of Wotan, and Hitler’s Silent Night.
  7. A shelter from pigs on the wing... In this episode, how do Christians interface with a godless state, love our neighbors without being complicit in promoting sin, and maintain the tension between the two kingdoms?
  8. You Know Who Else Misunderstood The Kingdom of God? Hitler! In this episode, we read Herman Sasse’s 1930 essay on The Social Doctrine of the Augsburg Confession and its Significance for the Present. We discuss the two kingdoms doctrine, peoples’ station in life, and the need for public discussions of natural law.
  9. Chairman Mao Loves Ice Cream. In this episode, G.K. Chesterton on what happens when we abolish God, and the government becomes the god. We discuss “unalienable rights endowed by the Creator.” The language of freedom and rights belongs to the law. And we finish with Chesterton’s prompt to consider fraud.
  10. It’s The Most Important Election of Our Lives, Until The Next Election. In this special election episode, Gillespie and Riley read David Whitford’s book, "Tyranny and Resistance," and discuss church, state, and the two kingdoms doctrine.
  11. This new life is marked not by fear of death but hope in eternal life.
  12. The Enemies at the Gate. We conclude our reading and discussion of C.S. Lewis’ speech on Learning in War-time. More reflection on the three enemies, excitement, frustration, and fear.

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