Søren Kierkegaard (4)
  1. Life Isn’t Fair, and The World Is Mean. In this episode, we discuss Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac while reading Kierkegaard’s commentary on it and comparing it to Martin Luther and Rene Girard’s comments on it. It’s a meta-meta episode, and one of us confuses Kierkegaard’s biography with that of Nietzsche for much of the episode.
  2. Jeff Mallinson co-host of the Virtue in the Wasteland podcast comes on to talk about Kierkegaard.
  3. On episode four of Let the Bird Fly! we discuss crossing disciplines and engaging those outside our circles (whatever those circles might be) along with the benefits and the dangers that presents.
  4. On episode TWO of Let the Bird Fly! we discuss time-zones, naps, recess, the story of the Fall in Genesis 3, the Human Condition, and probably far too much Kierkegaard.