Cheap Grace?
"What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?"
- What is "Sanctification" really all about?
- How does Baptism relate to our justification and our Sanctification?
Join Craig and Troy as they talk about all of these topics and more.
Death is quite the undertaking. To die when one wants desperately to go on living is the most gruesome kind of labor any of us will ever know. It’s painful and bloody and empties our pockets of the fortune we think is ours. But we must do it.
We're going to worry about what people think of us. It's going to get in the way of our relationship with Jesus. We're going to fear God's judgment. But, we're also baptized into Christ. So we don't give up hope. Jesus will help us and strengthen us. He will guide us in his Baptismal grace and peace.
As far back as I can remember, even as a small child, I have desperately tried to understand what God’s expectations or requirements are regarding my behavior.