As the Biblical text transforms Luther’s positions on grace and justification, he shifts his writing from disputations to letters targeted at the common man, secular rulers, and the Roman church.
The celebration of He who came in humility, who would upend the Kingdoms of this world, was eclipsed by men grasping at the power of each other’s supposed kingdoms.
The reason the U.S. is blessed by God is that we are essentially a “good” nation. And this is the root of Bob’s problem (and that of all civil religion).
What did Christians do, both when they encountered a Rome in its glory, as when Christ was born, and in it decline, as when Constantine tried to pull stuff back together?
Hallo! This week the Thinking Fellows are in Germany as special guests to the Confessio Augustana conference. Capitalizing on this experience, Dr. Keith, and producer Caleb sit down with Drs. Bob Kolb and Uwe Siemon-Netto. Our guests along with Dr. Keith discuss Two Kingdom theory clarifying our earlier episode on the topic. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show!
The Thinking Fellows return to their Loci topics in episode 23. Drs. Keith, Rosenbladt, and Francisco discuss the history and purpose behind Two Kingdom theory while also covering its limitations. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.