In the Ring: The Goal of Preaching with Dr. David Schmitt
In the Ring: The Goal of Preaching with Dr. David Schmitt

In the Ring: The Goal of Preaching with Dr. David Schmitt

Ringside Preachers meet The Craft of Preaching with special guest Dr. David Schmitt. This is a clip from IN THE RING Podcast Symposium "Preaching in an Upside-down World with Dr. David Schmitt".

Topics of the entire episode:

(1) Awakening to Post-Christendom in our culture

(2) A pulpit without a dialog: how does a preacher get out of the safety zone?

(3) Rhetorical flexibility: cultivating a community that hears

(4) Reflections on preaching to an online culture

(5) What is the purpose of preaching, and what are the problems we face?

Guest: Dr. David Schmitt

Professor at Concordia Seminary St. Louis

Craft of Preaching contributor


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