The “Chalking of the Door” is a way to celebrate and literally mark the occasion of the Epiphany and God’s blessing of our lives and home.
It's a new year, and you are still the same you: a sinner who is simultaneously perfect in every way because Christ declares it to be so.
In Simeon's hands and Anna's gaze, we are reminded of God's promise—not distant, not fading, but alive.

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Do you confess Christ as God in the flesh, born, died, and raised to new life for you? Any answer of yes will do
It seems to me that our greatest task is not that of seeking skills and methods whereby we can inject power into the gospel, but simply to beware lest we obscure the power that the gospel is
Jesus remakes us, rebuilds us, and resurrects us so the demons that hide in the cracks cannot get ahold of us, the devil cannot break us, and hell will never know us.
This ministry of the Gospel, this standing in the stead and by the command of our Lord Jesus Christ, is demanding business and is entirely unsuitable for the weak-willed or those who compromise with the zeitgeist of the day.
The laments of the Hebrews called upon the LORD God to remember His people who are suffering, be faithful and deliver them.
On the one hand, forgiving as Jesus commands us feels impossible. But on the other hand, forgiving as we have been forgiven is the most natural thing in the world
Jesus is the anti-Cain: a giver, not a taker.
When we cry to the Lord in our trouble, he will send us a preacher with words that deliver us from destruction.
Jesus came to His own people to bridge the rift which exists between humankind and God.
Certainly, Jesus’ parable provides a dire warning for where, not wealth, per se, but obsession with it, will lead.
God did what we could never do. He made a promise that endures forever and is eternally significant.
Hope is found precisely while we’re dead.